1,555 research outputs found

    Preference for Prestige: Commentary on the Behaviour of Universities and their Benefactors

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    This paper examines institutional behaviour, as perceived and described by individuals who have donated large gifts to private non- profit (not-for-profit) corporations especially universities. The study improves the understanding readers may have of the means used by Canadian institutions to initiate relationships with individuals capable of making large gifts, of how these relationships are nurtured, of who in the organization influences decisions about the purposes served by gifts from these donors and of how institutional and/or personal prestige are factors in donor-recipient relationships. More significantly, the study explores the degree to which institutions involve major donors as partners in enhancing an institution's reputation for quality. Data reported here were gathered from interviews with donors to universities, hospitals and arts organizations in Toronto. The responses of donors are reported and some differences identified between donors to universities and donors to either hospitals or arts organizations. With the largest generational transfer of wealth in history starting to occur, the findings may prove useful to universities as they compete for charitable dollars with other nonprofit organizations.Cet article examine le comportement institutionnel tel que percĢ§u et deĢcrit par des personnes qui ont fait des dons importants aĢ€ des socieĢteĢs priveĢes sans but lucratif, et plus particulieĢ€rement aĢ€ des universiteĢs. L'eĢtude permet de mieux comprendre les moyens employeĢs, par des eĢtablissements canadiens pour entrer en relation avec des individus en mesure de faire ce type de don, la facĢ§on dont ces rapports sont entretenus, qui deĢcide de l'utilisation de ces dons dans l'organisation et comment le prestige, institutionnel ou personnel, intervient dans les rapports donateur- beĢneĢficiaire. L'eĢtude explore, de facĢ§on particulieĢ€re, jusqu'aĢ€ quel point les eĢtablissements beĢneĢficiaires associent les donateurs principaux au processus d'ameĢlioration de l'image de marque de l'eĢtablissement. Les donneĢes qui sont preĢsenteĢes ici ont eĢteĢ recueillies aĢ€ Toronto lors d'entretiens avec des individus ayant fait des dons aĢ€ des universiteĢs, des hoĢ‚pitaux et des organismes d'arts. Au travers des reĢponses des donateurs, nous notons des diffeĢrences dans les rapports qu'entretiennent les donateurs avec les universiteĢs, hoĢ‚pitaux, ou les organismes d'art. Alors que nous assistons aux deĢbuts du plus grand transfert de richesses entre geĢneĢrations jamais observeĢ dans l'Histoire, les reĢsultats preĢsenteĢs ici pourraient s'aveĢrer utiles aux universiteĢs, sachant qu'elles sont en compeĢtition dans l'obtention de fonds caritatifs, avec d'autres organisations sans but lucratif

    Self-Consolidating Concrete Design for Drilled Shaft Structural Applications

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    Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) is a relatively new concrete technology which allows the concrete to be placed without the need for manual or machine vibration. This innovation reduces labor costs, construction times, and can provide a smooth, finished surface. However, this technology is used in the United States primarily in the precast and prestressed concrete industry. The utility of SCC in structural applications, such as areas of dense reinforcement or locations where complex geometry makes consolidation impossible, is also advantageous. In this study, a series of SCC mixtures were developed both with and without fly ash replacement. These mixtures were then used to compare how SCC performed relative to traditional slump concrete in drilled shaft applications. The SCC mixtures also contained different aggregate sizes (#7 and #57), blended in multiple ratios. The impact of these mix proportions was evaluated based on the fresh properties and strength of the SCC. Fresh property testing was performed using specialty test methods developed for use with SCC. To examine the performance of these mixtures in underwater placements, a washout test was performed. A viscosity modifying admixture (VMA) was included for these tests to improve the resistance to washout. Finally, seven simulated drilled shafts were placed in wet and dry environments to test how each SCC mixture performed. These shafts were compared to two shafts (one placed underwater and one placed dry) made with a traditional slump concrete mix. The #7 aggregate showed superior performance in fresh property testing compared to both #57 aggregate mixes and blended #7 and #57 aggregate mixes. VMA was found to improve washout resistance of SCC but was detrimental to other fresh properties. Fly ash negatively affected the early-age strengths (threeday and seven-day), but significantly improved ninety-day strengths compared to the standard SCC mixture. Higher fly ash replacements also resulted in significant decreases in peak concrete temperatures and increased the time to reach these peak temperatures. SCC mixes performed significantly better during the drilled shaft placements due to its deformability and flowability compared to traditional slump concrete. The wet environment placements showed that SCC provides an improved finished product and has incredible promise for use in drilled shaft applications and other structural elements

    High fidelity imaging and high performance computing in nonlinear EIT

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    We show that nonlinear EIT provides images with well defined characteristics when smoothness of the image is used as a constraint in the reconstruction process. We use the gradient of the logarithm of resistivity as an effective measure of image smoothness, which has the advantage that resistivity and conductivity are treated with equal weight. We suggest that a measure of the fidelity of the image to the object requires the explicit definition and application of such a constraint. The algorithm is applied to the simulation of intra-ventricular haemorrhaging (IVH) in a simple head model. The results indicate that a 5% increase in the blood content of the ventricles would be easily detectable with the noise performance of contemporary instrumentation. The possible implementation of the algorithm in real time via high performance computing is discussed

    Communicating Hunger and Satiation in the First Two Years of Life: A Systematic Review

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    Responsive feeding has been identified as important in preventing overconsumption by infants. However, this is predicated on an assumption that parents recognise and respond to infant feeding cues. Despite this, relatively little is understood about how infants engage parental feeding responses. Therefore the aim of this systematic review was to identify what is known about infant communication of hunger and satiation and what issues impact on the expression and perception of these states. A search of Medline, CINAHL, Web of Science, PsycINFO, Science Direct and Maternal and Infant care produced 27 papers. Eligibility criteria included: peer reviewed qualitative and/or quantitative publications on feeding behaviours, hunger, satiation/satiety cues of typically developing children in the first two years of life. Papers published between 1966 and 2013 were included in the review. The review revealed that feeding cues and behaviours are shaped by numerous issues, such as infantsā€™ physical attributes, individual psychological factors and environmental factors. Meanwhile, infant characteristics, external cues and mothersā€™ own characteristics affect how feeding cues are perceived. The existing literature provides insights into many aspects of hunger and satiation in infancy; however, there are significant gaps in our knowledge. There is a lack of validated tools for measuring hunger and satiation, a need to understand how different infant characteristics impact on feeding behaviour and a need to extricate the respective contributions of infant and maternal characteristics to perceptions of hunger and satiation. Further research is also recommended to differentiate between feeding driven by liking and that driven by hunger

    The eyes have it: Infant gaze as an indicator of hunger and satiation

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    Infant gaze serves as a measure of attention to food cues in adults and children and may play a role in signalling infant hunger and satiation. Maternal responsiveness to infant satiation cues, including gaze, supports healthy appetite development and may reduce obesity risk. However, mothers often experience difficulty in interpreting feeding cues, and there have been few attempts to study cues systematically. This study aimed to develop a reliable coding scheme for categorising and tracking infant gaze behaviours during complementary feeding (CF). Twenty infants aged between six and eighteen months were filmed during typical meals on two occasions at home. The Infant Gaze at Mealtime (IGM) coding scheme was devised from the analysis of a sample of videos, a piloting and testing process, and the feeding cues and developmental psychology literature. Inter and intra-rater reliability tests of the scheme with 20% of the study videos revealed high levels of reliability. When applied to the full sample of 225 video clips, the IGM coding scheme revealed a significant decrease over time in the frequency of infants gazing at food and a significant increase in exploratory gaze behaviour within a meal. These changes were consistent across main and dessert courses, suggesting they may be indicative of changes in infant feeding state. The results suggest that infant gaze may offer a means of identifying infant hunger and satiation and, as an easily observed behaviour, an effective tool for mothers and professionals for promoting responsive feeding

    The effect of food type on the portion size effect in children aged 2-12 years: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Visual cues such as plate size, amount of food served and packaging are known to influence the effects of portion size on food intake. Unit bias is a well characterised heuristic and helps to determine consumption norms. In an obesogenic environment where large portions are common place, the unit or segmentation bias may be overridden promoting overconsumption of both amorphous or unit foods. The aim of this review was to investigate the impact of offering unit or amorphous food on the portion size effect (PSE) in children aged 2ā€“12 years. A systematic search for literature was conducted in Medline, PsycInfo and Web of Science in February 2018. A total of 1197 papers were retrieved following the searches. Twenty-one papers were included in the systematic review, of which 15 provided requisite statistical information for inclusion in a random effects meta-analysis. Increasing children's food portion size by 51ā€“100% led to a significant increase in intake (SMDā€Æ=ā€Æ0.47, 95% CI: 0.39ā€“0.55). There was no evidence to suggest that increases in consumption were related to food type (pā€Æ=ā€Æ0.33), child age (pā€Æ=ā€Æ0.47) or initial portion size served (p=0.14). Residual heterogeneity was not significant (p=0.24). The PSE was demonstrated in children aged 2ā€“12 years when offered both unit and amorphous food items. The effect was not restricted by food type, child age or influenced by initial portion size served. Of the studies included in the meta-analysis between study heterogeneity was low suggesting minimal variation in treatment effects between studies, however, more research is required to understand the mechanisms of the PSE in preschool children. Future research should determine feasible methods to downsize portion sizes served to children

    Impacts of added roughage on growth performance, digestibility, ruminal fermentation, and ruminal pH of feedlot steers fed wheat-based feedlot diets containing 30% modified distillers grains with solubles

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    Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the inclusion rate roughage in wheat-based diets containing modified distillers grains with solubles (MDGS) on feedlot performance (Feedlot Experiment), as well as digestibility, ruminal pH, and ruminal fermentation characteristics (Digestibility Experiment). The feedlot experiment utilized 72 Angus steers (392 Ā± 46.3 kg initial body weight) which were randomly assigned to 1 of 12 pens, 3 pens per treatment, to evaluate feedlot performance and carcass characteristics. Dietary treatments were 1) control; 10% roughage, 2) 12% roughage, 3) 14% roughage, and 4) 16% roughage. The digestibility experiment used four ruminally and duodenally cannulated steers (393 Ā± 33.0 kg) in a 4 Ɨ 4 Latin Square with either 10%, 12%, 14%, or 16% roughage as in the feedlot experiment. However, dietary roughage source was different between these two experiments and included a combination of grass hay and wheat straw (Feedlot Experiment), and corn silage (Digestibility Experiment). All data were analyzed with the Mixed Procedures of SAS. Feed intake was recorded, with duodenal and fecal output calculated using chromic oxide. Ruminal pH and fermentation were assessed. Growth performance and most carcass characteristics were not affected by increasing roughage (P ā‰„ 0.11). Marbling tended to decrease linearly (P = 0.10) with increasing roughage inclusion. Increasing dietary roughage content had no effect on organic matter intake (P = 0.60) in the digestibility experiment. Intake, duodenal flow, and digestibility of neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber were not affected by treatment (P ā‰„ 0.16). Ruminal pH increased linearly (P \u3c 0.01) as rate of roughage inclusion increased. Ruminal concentrations of acetate and butyrate increased, and propionate decreased in a linear fashion (P \u3c 0.01) thereby increasing (P \u3c 0.01) acetate and butyrate to propionate ratio with increasing dietary roughage. Our data indicate that increasing roughage inclusion in wheat-based diets including 30% MDGS increased ruminal pH and shifted ruminal fermentation patterns. Additionally, increasing roughage inclusion did not affect feedlot performance in steers fed wheat at 36% to 42% of dietary dry matter in combination with 30% MDGS

    Exploring the Pathogenic and Drug Resistance Mechanisms of Staphylococcus aureus

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    We have previously identified ĻƒS, an ECF sigma factor that is important in the virulence and stress response of S. aureus. Transcriptional profiling of sigS revealed that it is differentially regulated in a variety of laboratory and clinical strains of S. aureus, suggesting that there exists a regulatory network that modulates its expression. In order to identify direct regulators of sigS expression, we performed a biotin pull down assay in tandem with mass spectrometry. We identified CymR as a direct regulator and observed that sigS expression is increased in cells lacking cymR. In addition, transposon mutagenesis was performed to identify regulators of sigS expression. We identified insertions in genes that are transcriptional regulators, and elements involved in amino acid biosynthesis and DNA replication, recombination and repair as influencing sigS expression. Finally, methyl nitro-nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis in conjunction with whole genome sequencing was employed and revealed mutations in the lactose repressor, lacR, and the membrane sensor histidine kinase, kdpD, as negatively effecting sigS expression. EMSAs revealed that LacR is an indirect regulator of sigS expression, while the response regulator KdpE is a direct repressor. These results indicate that a complex regulatory network is in place for sigS that modulates its expression. In a continuation of studies on ĻƒS regulation, we next explored interplay with the products of genes conserved within the sigS locus. We determined that this region is conserved amongst all the sequenced staphylococci, and includes four genes: SAUSA300_1721 (a conserved hypothetical protein), as well as sigS, ecfX, and ecfY. In order to investigate the relationship between EcfX and ĻƒS we performed protein pull down assays and observed that these two protein interact. Further to this, transcriptional analysis of sigS in an ecfX mutant reveal that expression of sigS is decreased, indicating that it is an activator. Architectural analysis of the sigS locus via RNAseq revealed that the majority of transcription in this region comes from ecfY, a gene that is downstream and divergent to sigS. We demonstrate that inactivation of ecfY leads to a significant increase in sigS expression, and that ecfY null strains are more resistant to DNA damaging agents such as UV, H2O2, MMS, and ethidium bromide, which we have previously demonstrated that a sigS mutant is highly sensitive to. Our studies also revealed that an ecfY null strain is better able to survive intracellularly following phagocytosis by RAW 264.7 cell and demonstrates increased survival in whole-human blood, which is again opposed to that previously observed for sigS deficient strains. Because the ecfY null strain overexpresses sigS, we investigated the regulon of this sigma factor using this mutant in conjunction with RNAseq analysis. We identified that genes putatively under the control of ĻƒS are involved in DNA damage and repair, virulence, amino acid starvation and nucleic acid biosynthesis. Collectively, our results indicate that ĻƒS is regulated via a unique mechanism: positively through an apparent need for an activator protein (EcfX) and negatively via RNA-RNA interaction (the 3ā€™ UTR of ecfY). We suggest that the evidence presented here greatly adds not only to our understanding of the regulatory circuits extant within S. aureus, but also to alternative sigma factor biology in general. Finally, we evaluated the efficacy of a novel library of quinazoline-based compounds against a highly drug resistant strain of S. aureus. We performed structure activity and structure property relationship assays in order to identify lead compounds. These methods lead to the identification of N2,N4-disubstituted quinazoline-2,4-diamines that had low minimum inhibitory concentrations, along with favorable physiochemical properties. Evaluation of their biological activity demonstrated limited potential for resistance of to our quinazoline based compounds, low toxicity to human epithelial cells, and strong efficacy in vivo. Taken together, our findings support the use of quinazoline derivatives as potential new antimicrobials against multidrug resistant S. aureus

    Snack Portion Sizes for Preschool Children Are Predicted by Caregiver Portion Size, Caregiver Feeding Practices and Childrenā€²s Eating Traits

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    Caregivers are mostly responsible for the foods young children consume; however, it is unknown how caregivers determine what portion sizes to serve. This study examined factors which predict smaller or larger than recommended snack portion sizes in an online survey. Caregivers of children aged 2 to 4 years were presented with 10 snack images, each photographed in six portion sizes. Caregivers (n = 659) selected the portion they would usually serve themselves and their child for an afternoon snack. Information on child eating traits, parental feeding practices and demographics were provided by caregivers. Most caregivers selected portions in line with recommended amounts for preschool children, demonstrating their ability to match portion sizes to their childā€²s energy requirements. However, 16% of caregivers selected smaller than recommended low energy-dense (LED, e.g., fruits and vegetables) snacks for their child which was associated with smaller caregiverā€²s own portion size, reduced child food liking and increased satiety responsiveness. In contrast, 28% of caregivers selected larger than recommended amounts of high energy-dense (HED, e.g., cookies, crisps) snacks for their child which were associated with larger caregiverā€²s own portion size, greater frequency of consumption, higher child body mass index (BMI), greater pressure to eat and lower child food liking. These findings suggest that most caregivers in this study select portions adjusted to suit their childā€²s age and stage of development. Future interventions could provide support to caregivers regarding the energy and nutrient density of foods given the relatively small portion sizes of LED and large portions of HED snacks offered to some children
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